PDFreactor 11.6 now available

The leading HTML to PDF conversion engine just got even better: PDFreactor 11.6 is now available.

PDFreactor 11.6 is a minor update with great new features and improvements:

The following issues were fixed:
  • If the first word in a line with “word-wrap: break-word” overflows and consists of multiple elements
    (e.g. a <span> starts inside it), it is erroneously broken to the next line at the boundary of the element. (#8828)
  • In rare cases, documents that reset page counters on named pages and are changed via JavaScript
    may cause exceptions being logged and have incorrect page numbering. (#8805)
  • Negative bottom margins on a block elements may cause premature page breaks. (#8825)
  • Forcing multi-column breaks may cause superfluous layouts with no impact on the result. (#5946)

For a full list of features, changes and fixes see the changelog.

Important release notes und upgrading information can be found in the readme.

The PDFreactor 11 installation packages are available for download in the download area.