The image shows how PDFreactor converts HTML to PDF via PHP

HTML to PDF using PHP

You are looking for an easy and quick way to create a PDF from HTML with PHP? With PDFreactor we provide a fast and simple way to convert HTML to PDF with PHP so that creating PDF documents becomes an easy thing to you. PHP: the uncomplicated way to print HTML to PDF.

Many companies from different industries already trust PDFreactor and are convinced of the simplicity of the conversion from HTML to PDF using PHP!

The Advantages of PDFreactor in Converting HTML to PDF with PHP

Easy Integration

Which requirements are necessary to convert HTML to PDF with PHP? It does not matter on which operating system you feel at home: Our PHP PDF generator works equally well on Windows, Linux and macOS.

PDFreactor is delivered as a Java library where the Java API is supported by .NET, PHP, Perl, Python and Ruby APIs. This makes it easy to integrate into a variety of System environments such as Servlets, EJB, Web Services or Web application servers possible. The end user only needs a web browser with a PDF file viewer.

Use Cases and Areas of Application

Converting HTML to PDF using PHP is very useful in many industries. With PDFreactor you can generate PDFs like invoices dynamically. PDFreactor can also be easily integrated into business and publishing processes and it supports Multi-Channel Publishing for Web and Print. You can also automatically generate instructions and manuals.

In many different industries such as banking, insurance, retail, publishing, etc. it can be important to convert HTML to PDF with PHP. Deutsche Bundesbank can be cited as an example. Read here how the Deutsche Bundesbank uses PDFreactor. Discover more application areas and industries and see which customers use PDFreactor to export HTML to PDF with PHP.

Excellent Results

If you convert HTML to PDF with PHP you are expecting an excellent PDF file as a result. PDFreactor uses CSS to define page layouts and styles. This makes it easy to integrate page sizes, margins or headers and footers. Dynamically generated content, such as links, bookmarks, tables of contents or even meta information about authors and keywords can also be set. You will receive a very high quality and extensive PDF document from using PHP.

Example to export HTML to PDF with PHP

You can see for yourself how the PDFreactor PHP API to convert HTML to PDF using PHP looks like, in the following example. No matter if it is a magazine, invoice or textbook with our examples you can directly see what PDFreactor does to convert with PHP into PDF in one go.      

Did you know?

PHP stands for “Hypertext Preprocessor”, originally “Personal Home Page Tools”. PHP is a server-side scripting language that can be used to create dynamic Web pages and process data from user input and databases. PHP is used by many websites, such as Wikipedia. The script language is based on the syntax of C and Perl.

The PHP code is processed on the server side. The source code is not sent to the web browser, but to an interpreter on the web server. Only the output of the PHP interpreter is sent to the browser. In most cases this is an HTML document, but PHP can also generate other file types, such as images or PDF files. Via PHP you can convert html to pdf easily. PDFreactor is a HTML to PDF converter usable from PHP. See for yourself how easy it can be to convert HTML to PDF using PHP and try the PDFreactor trial version to use PHP to generate a PDF from a HTML page at lightning speed.

There are many other ways to generate PDF from HTML. Whether you are more familiar with generating HTML to PDF using C#, Docker, JavaScript – PDFreactor is most suitable with all server-based programming languages.

Explore the fully featured Free Trial to convert html to pdf in PHP

The easiest way to get started to generate a PDF from HTML with PHP is to try the free trial version for 30 days. You will receive a test key with which grants access to all functions of PDFreactor. During this time you have the possibility to contact our experts, who are available in our support portal, at any time. Are you convinced with converting HTML to PDF with PHP by PDFreactor? With the full version you can streamline your whole printing process and achieve excellent PDF files from HTML with PHP. You don’t have to reinstall PDFreactor – simply update your license key after purchasing PDfreactor. Check out our quick start guide to learn more about download, installation, integration and conversion and start your 30-day trial period now!