Class ExceedingContent


public class ExceedingContent extends Object

A type that describes one instance of content exceeding its page or parent.

See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the bottom coordinate of the the container box in the page in pixels.
    Returns the left coordinate of the the container box in the page in pixels.
    Returns the right coordinate of the the container box in the page in pixels.
    Returns the top coordinate of the the container box in the page in pixels.
    Returns a description of the content.
    Returns the bottom coordinate of the the exceeding box in the page in pixels.
    Returns the left coordinate of the the exceeding box in the page in pixels.
    Returns the right coordinate of the the exceeding box in the page in pixels.
    Returns the top coordinate of the the exceeding box in the page in pixels.
    Returns the HTML of the box that contains the exceeding content.
    Returns the bottom coordinate of the the page in pixels.
    Returns the left coordinate of the the page in pixels.
    Returns the number of the page that contains the exceeding content.
    Returns the right coordinate of the the page in pixels.
    Returns the top coordinate of the the page in pixels.
    Returns an array of integers denoting the indexes of the ancestors of the DOM node corresponding to the box containing the exceeding content, starting from below the root node down to the element itself.
    Returns a summary of this exceeding content object.
    Returns whether the content exceeds the page at the bottom.
    Returns whether the exceeding content is a box instead of text or image content.
    Returns whether the content exceeds the page to the left.
    Returns whether the content exceeds the page to the right.
    Returns whether the content exceeds the page at the top.
    Equivalent to getSummary().

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Method Details

    • getPageNumber

      public int getPageNumber()

      Returns the number of the page that contains the exceeding content.

    • isRight

      public boolean isRight()

      Returns whether the content exceeds the page to the right.

    • isBottom

      public boolean isBottom()

      Returns whether the content exceeds the page at the bottom.

    • isLeft

      public boolean isLeft()

      Returns whether the content exceeds the page to the left.

    • isTop

      public boolean isTop()

      Returns whether the content exceeds the page at the top.

    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()

      Returns a description of the content. In case of text content, the text is returned. In case of images the URL is returned if available.

    • isBox

      public boolean isBox()

      Returns whether the exceeding content is a box instead of text or image content.

    • getHtml

      public String getHtml()

      Returns the HTML of the box that contains the exceeding content.

    • getPath

      public int[] getPath()

      Returns an array of integers denoting the indexes of the ancestors of the DOM node corresponding to the box containing the exceeding content, starting from below the root node down to the element itself.

    • getPageLeft

      public int getPageLeft()

      Returns the left coordinate of the the page in pixels.

    • getPageTop

      public int getPageTop()

      Returns the top coordinate of the the page in pixels.

    • getPageRight

      public int getPageRight()

      Returns the right coordinate of the the page in pixels.

    • getPageBottom

      public int getPageBottom()

      Returns the bottom coordinate of the the page in pixels.

    • getContainerLeft

      public int getContainerLeft()

      Returns the left coordinate of the the container box in the page in pixels. Depending on the settings this box may be the page.

    • getContainerTop

      public int getContainerTop()

      Returns the top coordinate of the the container box in the page in pixels. Depending on the settings this box may be the page.

    • getContainerRight

      public int getContainerRight()

      Returns the right coordinate of the the container box in the page in pixels. Depending on the settings this box may be the page.

    • getContainerBottom

      public int getContainerBottom()

      Returns the bottom coordinate of the the container box in the page in pixels. Depending on the settings this box may be the page.

    • getExceedingBoxLeft

      public int getExceedingBoxLeft()

      Returns the left coordinate of the the exceeding box in the page in pixels.

    • getExceedingBoxTop

      public int getExceedingBoxTop()

      Returns the top coordinate of the the exceeding box in the page in pixels.

    • getExceedingBoxRight

      public int getExceedingBoxRight()

      Returns the right coordinate of the the exceeding box in the page in pixels.

    • getExceedingBoxBottom

      public int getExceedingBoxBottom()

      Returns the bottom coordinate of the the exceeding box in the page in pixels.

    • getSummary

      public String getSummary()

      Returns a summary of this exceeding content object.

    • toString

      public String toString()

      Equivalent to getSummary().

      toString in class Object